Skin Checks
Gladstone Central Medical Centre are able to provide you high quality patient care to provide best possible services in prevention and early detection for the effective management of skin cancers.
We provide advanced diagnostic & treatment options with doctors accredited in the field of skin cancer medicine.
Full Body Skin Check
A skin check involves a physical examination of the whole body. Generally, a patient removes their clothing down to their underwear. The patient is then seated, and the doctor performs a check of the face, upper chest and arms using a strong light and an instrument called a Dermatoscope. (A Dermatoscope is a handheld instrument much like a microscope that helps the doctor identify any changes to the top few layers of the skin.)
Cryotherapy. Cryotherapy, or cryosurgery (freezing), is a procedure that uses extreme cold (liquid nitrogen) to remove sunspots, some small BCCs and SCCs. The GP sprays liquid nitrogen onto the sunspot or skin cancer and a small area of skin around it.
Basal or squamous cell skin cancers may need to be removed with procedures. Surgical excision is usually performed using a local anesthetic. People who undergo this approach can usually go home the same day of the procedure.
Consult is required at initial appointment, and a quote is provided by our friendly team for all procedures. We do these on Tuesday & Wednesday mornings.
If you are concerned about only a few spots, our experienced GP may consult you on the best available treatment. These are not a full body skin checks, but are priced as a consultation fee. Any skin concerns may be answered and we may provide diagnostic treatment options.